Foods to Eat – When Wearing Dental Braces

Dental braces can hurt and help your teeth at the same time. They help for the reason that they can correct and repair serious misalignment of the teeth. But they hurt you because it can make your oral health practice harder. Flossing and brushing your teeth can be difficult, choosing food wisely so that the braces don’t get hurt. To help you what’s best for your teeth we have listed few choices of foods which should be avoided while you are with braces.

People who decide to get dental braces have this wrong belief that they need to depend on soft or liquid food in order to safeguard their braces. While it is ideal that, a week after getting braces you may need to eat soft or liquid foods. But you don’t need to go on with soft diet until the braces come off. You can return to a normal diet a few week after you get the dental braces.

Nonetheless, returning to the normal diet does not indicate that you can eat what you desire. There are still some restrictions to what you need to ingest while you are with braces. To help you maintain your braces in good condition for best possible results, here are some foods which should be avoided when you are with dental braces.

Whole hard fruit/vegetables: Fruits are a good source of many essential nutrients, but there are few fruits which needs to avoided while you are with braces. Whole and uncut apples, pears and other similar fruits are difficult to eat and should be avoided while you are with braces. However, you can eat these kinds of fruits when it is cut into bite sized pieces. Similar to fruits, some of the vegetables which needs to be avoided are raw carrots, celery, pickles, asparagus and radish. You can eat these vegetables by cutting them up or by cooking them so that they are easier to bite.

Chewy foods: Foods that are chewy needs to avoided, additionally, other things which join to this lists are bubble gum, meat, caramels and candy.

Hard and crunchy: This category of foods can be more, as there are a lot of foods that can join this list. Hard and crunchy foods such as chips, hard candies, nuts, cookies, ice, pizza, seeds and others can damage your braces.

Off the bone: You should avoid eating meat directly off the bone. However, you can eat the meat by first removing it from the bone with other suitable means (but not your teeth). This way you can prevent your braces from misalignment or damage.

Considering the above-listed restriction can make you feel like there is very little choices which are left, but there are many foods or choices which are safe to eat while you are with braces. For example, you can include dairy products, soft meat, soft grains, soft breads, egg, soft fruits and vegetables.

It is important that you choose your foods judiciously so that you don’t go to your dentist frequently to repair damaged braces. Sticking to a brace-friendly diet can help your treatment and provide you a better smile in no time.

If you desire to consider dental braces in Norwalk or Long Beach CA or if you already have them, you can connect with us to get more from the treatment by our orthodontic expertise.

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Asmath Noor, DDS